DM Tzaritsa Progress Report

|Author of Matelo Kaloje|

When life gives you lemons, they're probably poisoned - The signature of some pessimisst on a defunct forum in 2014


1798 words


576 words

Eda Oweland

372 words

Gellan Primewater

639 words

Eliander Fireborn

488 words

Anders Solmor

415 words

Skerrin Wavechaser

333 words

The Wicker Goat

270 words

Eliander's House

194 words

Social Opnions on Piracy

The Cobalt Sea is rife with piracy, but what does everybody think of this practice?

624 words


663 words

Keledek's Tower

198 words

How Raven Stole the Sun

1422 words

Tənas Palach

3354 words

DM Tzaritsa Progress so far

12711 words 127.11% completed!

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Hello, I'm Tzaritsa! My main world is matelo kaloje (working title), which will be host to at least one D&D 5e game. It's a colonial world of retreating nature and encroaching guns, dwarves, and steel. It is very much work-in-progress, but I hope any readers enjoy!     My profile picture is a Player One GNK Droid from Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga and my profile Cover Image is Wyvern Slayer by Stefan Koidl

Interests & Hobbies

I play the Violin!