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Statblocks by type

Copyright of "Shared" Statblocks

Statblocks shared by the creators of World Anvil openly for the community falls under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International


Template for characters using NGLOI's custom system created by SAGE_NGLOI
ID Name Tags
Bia Regulator Celestial DIVINUS Willpower
Leif Grasdur Rift Born
Elias rift born
Tiamat Rift Born
Monika Laster Remnant Author
Eliza Branwen-Eldersmith The Remaining Unified Natives
Calypso Rift Born
Bianca Ekat Rift Born
Mika Kairos Rift Born
Aria Illustris Native
Aoi Rift Born
Libitina(Zodiacal Wrath Unleashed) Form Libitina Transformation
Libitina(Zodiac) Form Libitina Transformation
Ame Nobuki
Reimei Nobuki
Ethan Leyen
Jessica Hill
Alira Hill
Akuno Shiranaihito
Zephyr Rosehearts
Riddle Rosehearts
Leonardo Watch
David Auctor
Sephiron Delacruz
Janet Delacruz-Watch
Maria Aderon
Hannah May-Tosaki
Alina Hill
Aurora AI
John Doe Testing sheet